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Q: Have you ever wanted to be a volunteer and get to be

around horses? 

A: It’s possible at T.E.X.A.S. Rescue!


Q: I have a passion for horses, yet have no experience with

them. Can I volunteer?

A: Yes! And, this is where the “Xperience” in our name

comes into play!

     • We have our own special events venue that we use as a

classroom for teaching everything from… basic “DOs and DON’Ts”,

safety, hands-on grooming, feeding, leading, nutrition, emergency

first aid, how to spot an equine in need of help, foot care, and more!


Q: Can my child volunteer?

A: Yes, we accept minors with permission from parent(s) or guardian. 

     • Some details and restrictions apply.


We could continue for days answering questions about volunteering! So, we’ll shorten your reading Q&As with this simple statement… “If you wish to help us, we will educate you in the process!”


Equines are our passion, and we know not everyone has had the opportunity in life to fulfill certain passions. We want the privilege of your assistance at T.E.X.A.S. Rescue… 

     • Whether you’re a parent wanting to open up the equine world to your child

     • An individual who wants to feel good about your time donated to a nonprofit

     • A Veteran looking for a place of calm and peace

     • Or, anyone who wants to know the rewards of assisting by looking into big, gentle eyes of an            amazing species of animal that helped shape The Great State of Texas!



We will be honored to have you on Our Team!


Contact us to see if volunteering is right for you!

Volunteering should better your knowledge . . . it’s more than cleaning stalls


Completed applications will be sent to T.E.X.A.S. Rescue once you click the "Apply" button on the form.
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