Why Donate?
As with any other nonprofit organization, we are always hopeful for donations, as there are numerous costs involved in rescue work. Yes, it costs the organization money for every rescue. Some, but not
limited to, are truck and trailer maintenance, high cost of fuel, food, hotels (on longer rescues), shavings, fly masks, supplements, advertising, veterinary appointments, and more!
Beyond the aforementioned items, our current monthly bill for “feed only” is over $5,000!
Picking up an animal is only the beginning! As the saying goes, “It takes a village”, and we would be honored to have you as part of our family! We understand that not everyone has the time or property to care for these animals as we have, but folks like you are what give us the foundation to complete our mission of… “Rescue, Rehab, and Rehome”.
Every dollar and every penny help us feed and care for the rescues that we make the effort to assist. It is a 24/7 process, and we love it! Our days average about 16 hours, between cleaning stalls, doctoring wounds, cleaning water troughs, picking up needed feed and materials, expanding turnout areas by building new fence lines, and more! During these daily routines, items wear out, they break and need replacing.
The most-costly and reoccurring needed item… a daily life-changing necessity… is HAY!!
As previously stated, feed is our number one, regular monthly bill. Most of these rescues are already in dire need of groceries, as most today have fallen victim to inflation! Yes, as inflation affects owners, many begin to feed less and less, or completely stop feeding all together! As we rescue them, our first concern is getting them on a diet that helps both nutritionally and for weight gain. And so, the Merry-Go-Round always comes back to an increasing feed bill.