Recent Rescues and Sanctuary Animals
"Pammie and Gary"
Pammie and Gary are a mother-son duo pair of miniature donkeys. They were formerly owned by friends of the Millers prior to moving to Texas. Tracy Miller was the farrier for the duo at that time but made the move to Texas and their owner needed to search out a new farrier. Due to the circumstances of Pammie being a foundered donkey, it seemed that the new farriers were having trouble keeping her as sound as she was during Tracy’s tenure as shoer. Pammie’s owner decided that Pammie and son, Gary, would be in best of care with the Millers, as Tracy could continue treating her foundered condition. So, their owner made the decision to trailer both donkeys all the way to Texas, where they will live out their days in sanctuary.
Pammie has made a full recovery (although, her condition could rear its ugly head at any time in her life). Both donkeys are on a strict diet and that should help Pammie’s condition.
About Gary. If there was ever a donkey that would classify as the class clown, comedian, and down right epitome of Mr. Personality… it would be Gary! He is the go-to mini for any program that we take animals to and is the #1 ambASSador for T.E.X.A.S. Rescue! He absolutely loves people, loves being the center of attention, and LOVES having his butt scratched! Don’t be alarmed if he turns his butt towards you as he will not kick, but knows the butt is important! Gary has been a staple at Rescue events and has earned himself a spot at our local cosplay event as “Donkey” from Shrek! And even though Gary is now at the ripe old age of 6 years old, Pammie still lets him know there are rules to follow, as she constantly keeps her youngster in line!