Recent Rescues and Sanctuary Animals
"Bobbie McGee"
We are fortunate to say that we are friends with another equine rescue, which is located in California. “All Seated in A Barn” understands the importance of Rescue-Rehab-Rehome, and we thank them for their willingness to work together in this effort! ASIAB called us regarding Bobbie and the possibility of us taking her in. Bobbie McGee is a 17HH Belgian Draft horse that is approximately 20 years old. Her life was lived as a working horse for the Amish and she was turned into the sale barn and would most likely would have been a candidate for a trip to the slaughterhouse. ASIAB rescued Bobbie and several other Belgians in Texas, with a scheduled road trip to their facility in CA. However, after a stop at the vet hospital for Coggins tests, it was determined that Bobbie was too weak and underweight to make the long journey.
We immediately made the trip to the vet’s office and found Bobbie to be a gentle soul that had been worked hard, not fed enough to keep her large body healthy, and was about 400 pounds underweight. She moved slowly as you might expect from an overworked and malnourished soul. But she has the sweetest disposition one could ask for! From her boney structure and sagging lower lip, to the raw spots on the bridge of her big, Roman nose caused by a halter having been left on too tight, to her poor-looking coat and cut-off forelock, she nuzzled and wanted immediate affection. She still has a ways to go, but her weight is slowly coming back, her coat now shines and she still displays all of the affection of a loving horse… with a sagging lower lip!